A talk with emma: managing my internet addiction 🎧 艾玛说:控制我的网瘾

A talk with emma: managing my internet addiction 🎧 艾玛说:控制我的网瘾

关于艾玛·张伯伦 (Emma Chamberlain)

是一位美国社交媒体名人YouTuber播客女商人和模特。她荣获 2018 年 Streamy突破创作者奖。




Bella's languages, It's also:


Emma Chamberlain's Met Gala dress took 640 hours to make: See photos
Emma Chamberlain's Met Gala dress took 640 hours to make: See photos

I imagine many of you are familiar with my internet addiction.

I imagine:表达假设或推测的句型,相当于“我想象”或“我猜测”。
many of you:集合名词,表示“你们中的很多人”
be familiar with:短语动词,意思是“对……熟悉”。
internet addiction:名词短语,“互联网瘾、上网成瘾”。

Why? Well, because I talk about it all the time.

I talk about it all the time:意思是“我总是在谈论它”。其中 all the time 是一个固定词组,表示“始终,总是”。

And I imagine some of you are sick of hearing me talk about it. I understand that as well.

some of you:集合名词,表示“你们中的一些人”。
are sick of:短语动词,表示“对……感到厌烦”。
hearing me talk about it:动名词短语,作为介词 of 的宾语,表示“听我谈论它”。

However, the journey to finding healthy balance with the Internet and technology at large is an ongoing journey that humanity as a whole is going through all at once.

the journey to finding healthy balance:名词短语,意思是“寻找健康平衡的旅程”。这里的 to 之后跟的是 finding(动名词),to在这里作为介词使用,因此需要用 “finding” 作为动名词来表示动作的名词化。
  • to作为不定式时:表示目的或意图。例如:I want to find a solution.(我想找到一个解决方案。)
  • to作为介词时:后面需要跟动名词。例如:I look forward to finding a solution.(我期待找到一个解决方案。)
with the Internet and technology:介词短语,修饰 balance,意思是“在互联网和技术方面”。
at large:means considering the subject as a whole rather than focusing on specific parts. 普遍地,总体上
an ongoing journey:表示“是一个持续的旅程”。ongoing 形容词,意思是“进行中的,持续的”。
that humanity as a whole is going through all at once:定语从句,修饰 journey,表示“全人类同时正在经历”。humanity as a whole 意思是“全人类”。go through 是动词短语,意思是“经历”。all at once 固定表达,意思是“一起,同时”。

Don't pretend like you don't have an issue with internet addiction, listen, it's different for all of us.

pretend / prɪˈtend / 假装
issue / ˈɪʃuː / 问题,麻烦

Some of us are better at managing internet addiction than others, but I would argue we're all in one way or another addicted to the internet and addicted to technology in a way that is not good for our well-being overall.

be better at doing:更擅长于做某事
manage / ˈmænɪdʒ / to be able to solve your problems, deal with a difficult situation, etc. 能解决(问题);应付(困难局面等)
argue / ˈɑːrɡjuː / to give reasons why you think that sth is right/wrong, true/not true, etc., especially to persuade people that you are right 论证;说理;争辩
in one way or another:固定短语,意思是“以某种方式”或“无论怎样”。
addicted to sth:对某事上瘾的。
in a way:是介词短语,意思是“以某种方式”。
that is not good for:定语从句,修饰“a way”,that 引导定语从句,意思是“以一种对……不好的方式”。
well-being: general health and happiness 健康;安乐;康乐
over·all /ˌoʊvərˈɔːl/:including all the things or people that are involved in a particular situation; general 全面的;综合的;总体的

And it looks different for everyone. It's on different levels for everyone, but I think it's a universal problem.

It's on different levels:意思是“它处于不同的层次”。level 在这里指“层次”或“程度”。
it's a universal problem:名词短语,意思是“这是一个普遍的问题”。universal 是形容词,意思是“普遍的”。

There's something so cringe about being like, come on, you guys, we have just to stop going on the internet so much when it's literally the backbone of our society at this point.

cringe /krɪndʒ/ to feel very embarrassed and uncomfortable about sth 感到尴尬不安;觉得难为情
  • I cringe when I think of the poems I wrote then. 每当我想起我那时写的诗歌就感到很难堪。
come on:插入语,意思是“拜托”或“得了吧”,用来引起注意或表示不耐烦。
stop going on the internet:表示“停止上网”。
lit·er·al·ly /ˈlɪtərəli/ used to emphasize the truth of sth that may seem surprising (强调事实可能令人惊讶)真正地,确实地
back·bone /ˈbækboʊn/ the most important part of a system, an organization, etc. that gives it support and strength 支柱;骨干;基础
  • Agriculture forms the backbone of the rural economy. 农业是农村经济的基础。
at this point:目前。

And it's something that we would struggle to live without. And it's something that brings a lot of joy and positivity in a lot of ways as well.

We would struggle to live without.:定语从句,意思是“我们会很难在没有它的情况下生活”。struggle 意思是“挣扎”。to live without 是不定式短语,表示“没有……的生活”。
a lot of joy and positivity:名词短语,意思是“许多快乐和积极的东西”。joy 是名词,意思是“快乐”,positivity 是名词,意思是“积极性”。

But at the same time It's so easy to get to a place where we're overdoing it. We're overusing it.

at the same time:同时。
to get to a place:不定式短语,比喻用法,表示“达到某种状态”。
where we're overdoing it:意思是“我们做得过头”。where 引导从句。overdoing 是动词 overdo 的现在分词,意思是“做得过多”。
overusing:是动词 overuse 的现在分词,意思是“过度使用”。

I'm very aware of my unhealthy tendencies with the internet and with technology.

my unhealthy tendencies:名词短语,意思是“我不健康的倾向”。

And I am determined to getting to a good place, to getting to a balanced place that's sustainable.

I am determined:意思是“我决心”。determined 是形容词,意思是“有决心的”。
a good place: 比喻为“一个好的状态”。
a balanced place: 比喻为“一个平衡的状态”。
sus·tain·able /səˈsteɪnəb(ə)l/ that can continue or be continued for a long time 可持续的
