Emily in Paris📺艾米莉在巴黎

Emily in Paris📺艾米莉在巴黎

AboutM "Emily in Paris":



Bella's languages, It's also:


Okay. So should we just get this out of the way?


get something out of the way to finish something 完成某事


  • I like to get my homework out of the way on a Friday night so that I can enjoy the weekend. 我喜欢在周五晚上完成作业,这样我就可以享受周末了。

Excuse me?


Excuse me语法详解:

1. 引起注意:

  • 场合: 当你想引起某人的注意时,比如在公共场合想要问路、询问信息或吸引服务员的注意。
  • 例句:
    • "Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest restroom is?"(不好意思,请问最近的洗手间在哪里?)
    • "Excuse me, may I ask you a question?"(打扰一下,我可以问你一个问题吗?)

2. 请求让路:

  • 场合: 当你在拥挤的地方需要通过时,可以使用“Excuse me”来礼貌地请求别人让开。
  • 例句:
    • "Excuse me, I need to get by."(不好意思,我需要过去。)
    • "Excuse me, could you move your bag?"(不好意思,你能把包移开一下吗?)

3. 表达歉意:

  • 场合: 当你无意中打扰到别人,或者在一些情况下需要表达轻微的歉意时,可以用“Excuse me”。
  • 例句:
    • "Excuse me, I didn't mean to bump into you."(对不起,我不是故意撞到你的。)
    • "Excuse me for interrupting, but I have a quick question."(打扰一下,不好意思,我有个快速的问题。)

4. 请求重复或确认:

  • 场合: 当你没有听清楚对方说的话,或者不确定对方刚刚说了什么时,可以使用“Excuse me”来请求对方重复或确认。
  • 例句:
    • "Excuse me, could you say that again?"(不好意思,你能再说一遍吗?)
    • "Excuse me, what did you just say?"(不好意思,你刚刚说什么?)

5. 表示不满或困惑:

  • 场合: 当你对某人的话感到惊讶、不满或者不理解时,可以用“Excuse me”表达这种情感。语气上可能带有一些挑战或质疑。
  • 例句:
    • "Excuse me? Are you serious?"(什么?你是认真的吗?)
    • "Excuse me? I don't think that's correct."(什么?我觉得那不对。)

6. 回应打喷嚏或类似情况:

  • 场合: 在打喷嚏后,有时人们会说“Excuse me”表示礼貌,意思是“对不起,失礼了”。
  • 例句:
    • After sneezing: "Excuse me."(打完喷嚏后:不好意思。)

The assignment? Were you even paying attention? We're supposed to interview each other.


assignment /əˈsaɪnmənt/ An assignment is a task or piece of work that you are given to do, especially as part of your job or studies. 任务; 作业
pay attention 注意,留心


  • I didn't pay attention to what she was saying. 我没有注意她在说什么。
be supposed to 表示应该做某事
inter·view /ˈɪntərvjuː/ a private meeting between people when questions are asked and answered(私下的)面谈,会谈,晤谈


  • an interview with the careers adviser 和择业顾问的面谈

Fine. I'm English, obviously. Born and raised in London.


Eng·lish /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ the people of England 英格兰人
born and bred idiom (also born and raised, born and brought up) used to say that someone was born and grew up in a particular place, and usually that they are a typical example of someone who lives there 土生土长


  • He's a Parisian born and bred. 他是个土生土长的巴黎人

I like football, and I work at a bank. What else is there that you need to know?


What else is there 还有什么


  • Tell me, what else is there for me to know? 那你告诉我,有什么是我不知道的呢?
  • What else is there to complain about? 还有什么可抱怨的?
