Modern Family🎨摩登家庭 No.3
Mitchell: Everybody fawning over Lily, and then you walk on and suddenly it's all, "Ooh, SkyMall. I gotta buy a motorized tie rack."
Fawn /fɔːn/ (on/over sb)( disapproving) to try to please sb by praising them or paying them too much attention 恭维;讨好;巴结
skymall 机舱内购物杂志
motor·ized /ˈmoʊtəraɪzd/ having an engine 有引擎的;机动的
rack /ræk/ 支架;架子

Mitchell: All right, you know, I'm gonna give the speech.
give the speech 做演讲
- On the graduation ceremony, I represented all the graduats to give a speech. 在毕业典礼上,我代表所有毕业生发表了感言。
Cameron: You are not giving the speech. You're gonna be stuck with these people for the next five hours.
Mitchell: You're right, you're right. Okay. I'm sorry.
be stuck with sb/sth ( informal ) unable to get rid of sb/sth that you do not want 摆脱不了;甩不掉
- I was stuck with him for the whole journey. 一路上我一直没能摆脱他。
Lady: Look at that baby with those cream puffs.
cream ˈpuff 奶油泡芙,也有娘娘腔的男人之意。

Mitchell: Okay. Excuse me. Excuse me. This baby would have grown up in a crowded orphanage if it wasn't for us "cream puffs."
would have done 本该做某事(可用于虚拟句,表示与过去的事实相反)
crowd·ed /ˈkraʊdɪd/ having a lot of people or too many people 人(太)多的;拥挤的

or·phan·age /ˈɔːrfənɪdʒ/ a home for children whose parents are dead 孤儿院