Red Notice📺红色通缉令

Red Notice📺红色通缉令



首映时间: 2021 年 11 月 4 日

导演: 罗森·马歇尔·瑟伯

编剧: 罗森·马歇尔·瑟伯

剪辑员: 迈克尔·L·塞尔、 朱利安·克拉克

制片商: Flynn Picture Company; Seven Bucks Productions; Bad Version, Inc

发行商: Netflix


Bella's languages, It's also:



Booth: OMG,You're the captain? You might benefit from a little career change.


cap·tain /ˈkæptɪn/(海军)上校;(陆军或美国空军的)上尉;船长;机长
might sth is possible(表示可能性)可能 


  • He might get there in time, but I can't be sure. 他有可能准时到达,但我不敢肯定。
bene·fit /ˈbenɪfɪt/ (from/by sth) to be in a better position because of sth 得益于;得利于
career change 职业变动

Booth: I mean, I'm… I don't think runway, but definitely regional catalog work, fliers


run·way /ˈrʌnweɪ/(时装模特表演时走的)伸展台,T型台
re·gion·al /ˈriːdʒən(ə)l/ 地区的
catalog work = To Become a Catalog Model Catalog models are considered to be commercial models, which means models need to look more like “real people” than editorial models. 给商业产品例如包、鞋、衣服等拍展示广告的模特
flier = flyer /ˈflaɪər/ 广告传单

Hartley: She's The Bishop.


Bishop /ˈbɪʃəp/ 主教

Booth: No shit!


No shit used to show that one is surprised or impressed by what has been said (表示某人对所说内容感到惊讶或印象深刻)真的吗?


  • They got divorced." "No shit!" “他們離婚了。” “不廢話!”

Bishop: It's so nice to finally meet you, Mr. Booth. Such a thrill to be face-to-face with the second-best art thief in the world.


thrill /θrɪl/ a strong feeling of excitement or pleasure 兴奋;激动 such a thrill 如此激动人心


  • This is such a thrill for me. 这太令我激动了。
face-to-face 面对面
second-best 第二好的
art thief = artnapping 偷艺术作品(例如博物馆中的名画,雕塑等)的盗贼

Hartley: We've got a party crasher.


crasher /ˈkræʃər/ 不速之客 party crasher 派对破坏王

Booth: Yeah, it's no biggie. No biggie. We knew she'd be here.


No biggie 不重要,没关系 没什么大不了 big·gie /ˈbɪɡi/ an important thing, person or event 重要的人(或事物);大事;大人物
she'd be here = she would be here 她将会来这里

Hartley: Beautiful, the sculpture, I mean.


sculp·ture /ˈskʌlptʃər/ 雕塑品

Bishop: I'm sorry, do we know each other? It's just impossible for me to tell who you are with that mask on.


It's impossible for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是不可能的


  • It's impossible for me to be there before eight. 我在八点之前不可能赶到那里。
tell to know, see or judge sth correctly 知道;看出;确切地判断


  • It's hard to tell. 这很难判断。

Bishop: Careful now. We don't wanna cause a scene.


cause a scene 在公共场合或私人场合表现出过激或不合适的行为,引起其他人的注意和反应。 

Hartley: I Don't care. I'm not letting you out of my sight.


let sb out of my sight 让某人离开我的视线
get out of my sight 滚出我的视线

Booth: We needed to get his phone, not waste time playing footsie with The Bishop.


play footsie with sb(在桌下)与某人脚碰脚调情,脚挨脚爱抚。

Hartley: Don't worry. I got it. Excuse me.


Booth: You're kidding. Nice pull!


Booth: How'd you know Sotto Voce would cut in?


How'd you know = How did you know 你是怎么知道的?
cut in 插嘴参与谈话。

Hartley: Well, Sotto Voce is a 5'5" alpha male with textbook Napoleon complex.


5'5" five foot five/five feet five inches tall. 5尺5
alpha male /ˌælfə ˈmeɪl/ the man or male animal in a particular group who has the most power(某一群体中)最有权力的男子(或雄性动物)alpha man 阿尔法男
text·book /ˈtekstbʊk/ 规范的;标准的;教科书级的
Napoleon complex  /nəˈpoʊliən  kəmˈpleks/ 拿破仑情结:一种心理现象,指个子矮小的人为了弥补自己在身高上的不足,而表现出过度自信、好斗或者权力欲望。

Hartley: Well, he has no choice but to step in and assert his dominance.


step in 介入某事:指在某个事务或争议中进行干预。
have no option/choice (but to do something) to have to do a particular thing because there is no possibility of doing anything else 除...之外别无选择
as·sert /əˈsɜːrt/ to make other people recognize your right or authority to do sth, by behaving firmly and confidently 维护自己的权利(或权威)


  • assert my authority 维护我的权威
  • assert his dominance 维护他主导地位

Booth: You sneaky little minx. Where'd you learn that? Profiler school?


sneaky /ˈsniːki/ 偷偷摸摸的;鬼鬼祟祟的
minx /mɪŋks/ a girl or young woman who is clever at getting what she wants, and does not show respect 狡猾轻佻的女孩
Where'd you learn that? = Where did you learn that? 你是从哪里学到的?
profiler /ˈproʊfaɪlər/ 侧写师,通过对作案手法、现场布置、犯罪特征等的分析,勾画案犯的犯罪心态,从而进一步对其人种、性别、年龄、职业背景、外貌特征、性格特点乃至下一步行动等做出预测,以便警方缩小搜捕范围,及时制止犯罪行为的延续。


Gossip Girl📺绯闻女孩 Blair’s Bullying Past
关于“Gossip Girl”: 《绯闻女孩》(英语:Gossip Girl)是一部由塞西莉·冯·齐格萨2002年所作的流行同名小说《Gossip Girl》改编而成的美国青春剧情电视剧。全剧由无所不知却又充满神秘的“花边教主”(Gossip Girl)Blog充当旁白,围绕著一群就读贵族高中的上流社会青少年在纽约市曼哈顿上东区的生活,讲述了他们在贵族学校就读期间所发生的种种八卦与爱恨情仇。 收看影片: Bella’s languages, It’s also: * 🎧 Podcast * 📰 News&Interviw * 🎃 Story * 👒 Fashion * 🚖 Travel * ⛳ Health * 🎤 Speech * 📚 Culture 0:00 /0:05 1× 了解更多 逐句精讲:
看美劇學英文: Friends -老友記 第一季 No.49
透過看美劇,來快速有效地學習英語吧。掌握這些基礎短語和小技巧,讓你的口語立刻進階一個等級。 擴充詞彙量,讓你的對話變得更道地自然。
看美剧学英文:The Big Bang Theory📺生活大爆炸-Funny Moments from Season 4
关于“The Big Bang Theory”: 《生活大爆炸》(英语:The Big Bang Theory,缩写作TBBT),是由查克·洛尔和比尔·布拉迪创作的美国情景喜剧,在2007年9月24日由哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)推出,于2019年5月16日第12季播放后剧终结束。 这部电视剧剧情设定于加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳市,围绕四名受雇于加州理工学院的科研理工男的情感生活展开。租住同一间公寓的实验物理学家伦纳德·霍夫斯塔特(英语:Leonard Hofstadter)和理论物理学家谢尔顿·库珀(英语:Sheldon Cooper)、航天工程师霍华德·沃洛维兹(英语:Howard Wolowitz)、印度籍天体物理学家拉杰什·库斯拉帕里(英语:Rajesh Koothrappali)为同事、朋友关系,并且均有书呆子气、均缺乏社交能力。住在他们对门的是一位刚搬进公寓的漂亮金发餐厅女侍应佩妮,她有志成为一名演员。四位书呆子气的高智商主角与善于社交、依赖常识的佩妮形成鲜明的对比,让全剧充满了喜剧色彩。
关于“Otherhood”: 《Otherhood》是一部 2019 年美国喜剧电影,由辛迪·查帕克 (Cindy Chupack) 执导,查帕克 (Chupack) 和马克·安德鲁斯 (Mark Andrus) 编剧。该剧改编自威廉·萨克利夫 2008 年的小说《随心所欲》,讲述了三位郊区母亲未经事先通知就出现在纽约市儿子家中的故事。 收看影片: Bella’s languages, It’s also: * 🎧 Podcast * 📰 News&Interviw * 🎃 Story * 👒 Fashion * 🚖 Travel * ⛳ Health * 🎤 Speech * 📚 Culture 0:00 /0:05 1× 了解更多 逐句精讲: Excuse me 不好意思 Yes 是的
